quantum physics for dummies

You're no dummy of course. This "quantum physics for dummies" page will explain complex quantum physics concepts in a comprehensive yet accessible fashion. Schrodinger's cat, quantum numbers, the uncertainty principle and other opaque concepts will be broken down and thoroughly examined.


One of the most popular interpretations from the physics of quantum mechanics is that everything consists of energy. Another way of stating the former is that mass and energy are interchangeable with each other. In this part of the section I discuss the mass-energy relationship and how it's theoretically possible to convert from mass to energy and vice versa. This is an important part of quantum physics. Click here to read 'Is everything made of energy?"


This part of 'quantum physics for dummies' will give a broad overview of quantum physics for the layman and laywoman. Some of the topics we'll discuss are the difference between the macroscopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic scales. Classical mechanics was formed to describe the motion of objects in our everyday world. Classical mechanics include kinematics, forces, Newton's Laws, and a myriad of other topics. However, in the 1900s, scientists discovered that classical mechanics can not accurately explain the world of atoms and molecules. Subsequent investigations uncovered new laws and properties that explain our tiny world. Click here to read "Basic explanation of quantum physics".

WHAT EXACTLY IS QUANTUM PHYSICS? what's the purpose of 'quantum physics for dummies'?

Quantum physics can be a nebulous, esoteric, and mysterious phrase. What is it? What does quantum physics mean exactly? That is what this page will attempt to discuss. Given my extensive background in general and quantum physics, I am well qualified to answer this question. First, I will talk about how other people, from professional scientists to the pseudo-scientific quacks define the term. This will subsequently lead into my own unique definition. I by no means claim that it is the one true definition. It is open to discussion and debate.  In fact, if this page sparks heated, friendly, and civil talks, I consider the one of the purposes of this site fulfilled. Click here to read 'what exactly is quantum physics?'.


Obviously, this page will talk about what the quantum model is. Before we discuss that subject, what exactly is a model? We use them everyday to help us navigate and understand the world around us. Models are mental and conceptual blueprints consisting of beliefs and ideas. For instance, let's take the subject of dating. In this case a model is what you think dating is and how it actually works. For instance, a common belief in many people's dating models is that the guy pays for the food on a date.

Note that a person's model may not necessarily match reality. For instance, if you believe the sky is red, obviously your model of the sky is deeply flawed. No model explains reality 100% correctly. But usually we try to make our models as accurate as possible. Physics is no different. We make a model, do experiments, and modify our models accordingly. Science is in essence a continual loop of models and experiments. This page discusses the underlying models of quantum physics. Click here to read 'what is the quantum model'.